Trumpeter swans, signets and canvasback ducks in the Kitimat River estuary, Dec.15, 2018. (Robin Rowland)
My portion of the Christmas Bird Count in the Kitimat River Estuary (courtesy Rio Tinto) was in an afternoon blizzard which cut visibility by up to about 80 per cent at times and was no help to the cameras, whether or on auto focus or manual.
A killdeer hunts for food on a patch of wetland grass as the tide rises (Robin Rowland)
A rare sighting of a Wilson’s snipe out in the open on the river estuary. (Robin Rowland)
A bald eagle overhead. (Robin Rowland)
Another shot of the killdeer. (Robin Rowland)
Another shot of the Wilson’s snipe. (Robin Rowland)
The Wilson’s snipe getting a last shot at a meal as the tide rises. (Robin Rowland)
The trumpeter swans, signets, canvasbacks and mallards. (Robin Rowland)A great blue heron huddles against the snow storm. (Robin Rowland)Another great blue heron. (Robin Rowland)A loon in the choppy waves of Kitimat harbour. (Robin Rowland)
The respected and loved heriditary chief of the Haisla Nation Hey Mus Jassee (Sammy Robinson) left for the spirit world on February 11, 2025. He was a world renowned carver and artist, a leader of the Haisla Nation during challenging times and a friend to many in the Kitimat community. Some of the photographs I […]