A blue moon in August

Robin Rowland 
The 99.9% waning super blue moon is seen over Kitimat on the morning of Sept. 1, 2023 at 6:38 am. (Robin Rowland)

August 2023’s super blue moon was full on August 31, but in Kitimat the sky was heavily overcast with rain up until the moon rise that evening when the moon was 99.9% warning

Early on the morning of September 1, the sky was partly cloudy and the dawn allowed me to photograph the moon over Kitimat and Douglas Channel.

The moon is seen over Kitimat and the Channel at 5:42 am (Robin Rowland)
The super moon at 6:28 am (Robin Rowland)
A wider view  of Douglas Channel at 6:34 a.m. (Robin Rowland)
The moon at 6:37 am (Robin Rowland)
The moon at 6:37 am (Robin Rowland)
Douglas Channel at 7:32 am, after the moon had set. (Robin Rowland)
The 99.9% blue super moon rises over Albatross Ave, August 31. (Robin Rowland)
The moon rises over Albatross Ave. (Robin Rowland)

And earlier

The moon on August 27. (Robin Rowland)
There was so much smoke on August 25 that the moon was barely visible. (Robin Rowland)

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Robin Rowland