Bald eagles

Robin Rowland 

bald eagle

A bald eagle flies over the water at the east end of Kaien Island just before the Prince Rupert Port Edward turnoff, June 3, 2013. (Robin Rowland)

Bald eagle over a mountain

A bald eagle circles over the mountain on the mainland at the turnoff. (Robin Rowland)

Bald eagle hunting

An eagle skims the ocean, hunting for prey. (Robin Rowland)

Bald eagle

There were actually a pair of bald eagles that day, so here’s one high up on the thermals (Robin Rowland)

Bald eagle in flight

And another shot of the same eagle (Robin Rowland)

Bald eagle on a cloudy day

And on June 21, a cloudy, rainy day in Kitimat, a bald eagle appears a silhouette against the clouds.

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Robin Rowland