Shooting the October Hunter’s Moon and Jupiter

Robin Rowland 
The moon, October 28. (Robin Rowland)

The weather was cold and clear in Kitimat at the end of October, which give me three days of opportunity to photograph the full Hunter’s Moon that was also close to the planet Jupiter.

The close shots of the Moon and Jupiter were shot with my Sony Alpha 7II  and a Sigma 100-499mm lens (not a telescope).  Wider shots with a couple of other Sony cameras.

Moon rise October 27


The moon rises over my front yard, with Jupiter the small white dot to the left.
Jupiter through a telephoto lens. (Robin Rowland)
A closer image of Jupiter (Robin Rowland)

Moonrise October 28


The moon rising over Albatross Ave, Kitimat, with Jupiter a faint dot to the lower left. (Robin Rowland)
The moon and Jupiter exposed so the details of the moon are visible. Jupiter is faint dot to the lower  centre left. (Robin Rowland)
The moon and Jupiter exposed so that Jupiter is more visible (Robin Rowland)

Moonset October 29

Jupiter is about to set in the mountains overlooking Kitimat. (Robin Rowland)
The moon over the mountains later that morning. (Robin Rowland)
The Hunter’s Moon about to set. (Robin Rowland)


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Robin Rowland