Christmas Bird Count 2023

Robin Rowland 
A great blue heron at the Rio Tinto docks in Kitimat (Robin Rowland)

On December 16, 2023 Kitimat Valley Naturalists took part in the worldwide Christmas Bird Count, with special permission and guidance to view the natural areas of the Kitimat River estuary in both the RIo Tinto and LNG Canada industrial sites.

The weather was cool and overcast, but unlike earlier years no snow or heavy rain which allowed us to count the birds and get some great photographs.

Trumpeter swans at the Kitimat Rver Oxbow. (Robin Rowland)

Trumpeter swans hang out at the Kitimat River Oxbow, an area of the river which appeaers dark brown due to heavy iron content in the water.

Canada Geese overhead (Robin Rowland)
Canada Geese overhead (Robin Rowland)

Just as we arrived on site a flock Canada geese flew over head.

Buffleheads in the estuary (Robin Rowland)
A bufflehead. (Robin Rowland)
A bufflehead on a take off run. (Robin Rowland)
American coot feeding (Robin Rowland)
American coot (Robin Rowland)
A bufflehead and other ducks in the estuary. (Robin Rowland)
Two great blue herons watch from the dock. (Robin Rowland)
Three of the at least seven great blue herons we saw that afternoon., (Robin Rowland)
This great blue heron may have spotted something. (Robin Rowland)
A great blue heron flies along the river. (Robin Rowland)
A colony (flock) of gulls (at least 85 and probably more)  line up along a dock. (Robin Rowland)
A male mallard. (Robin Rowland)
More mallards (Robin Rowland)
A pair of female hooded mergansers, one about to take off. (Robin Rowland)
Male and female hooded mergansgers and an American coot. (Robin Rowland)
Hooded mergansers. (Robin Rowland)
Male and female hooded mergansers. (Robin Rowland)


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Robin Rowland